Bloggers Beware: Pinterest Blocked My Blog With No Warning
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As a new blogger, I depend HEAVILY on Pinterest.
It wasn’t until I started down this bloggy path that I realized that Pinterest is more than just a place to store all your great ideas. For bloggers, Pinterest is a free tool that gives bloggers the chance to get traffic to their blog. I love all things free, so Pinterest and I have become best buddies.
As you can see, the majority of my traffic comes from Pinterest. I work very hard to create the pins that go with my blog posts and make sure that I have a schedule to cross-promote them frequently. Without Pinterest, my blog would just barely be alive.
So imagine my surprise when I went to upload a new pin that is linked to a blog post of mine and received this message:
That was when I found out that ALL pins associated with my blog are now blocked. My blog has been marked as spam, and now I cannot upload any pins that are linked to my blog.
All it takes is one person reporting your blog as spam, and Pinterest automatically flags your blog and blocks it.
There is no email you will receive once this happens. There is no customer service you can contact on the spot and get immediate relief.
So, what can you do? Unfortunately, not much. I am over 48 hours into being aware of my situation, and I am still waiting on Pinterest to contact me back.
If this happens to you, go to this page, and scroll down to the “Get in touch with us” link. From there, select “Business Account”, and then “Pinterest Blocked My Site”. You will want to tell them your blog’s web address.
And – then you wait.
There is no one you can contact. There is no customer service. You are at the mercy of the Pinterest gods.
I am just hoping my followers aren’t deleting my pins once they are discovered as blocked. As you can see my average daily impressions have dropped this week since my blog has been marked as spam.
Pinterest needs to look at its system. The fact that all it takes is one person to say you’re spam, and you are automatically blocked with no available recourse or even notification of it happening just isn’t right. Blogs are people’s incomes, and it shouldn’t be so easy for a stranger to take away your income.
I encourage you to please share this article as much as you can with other bloggers. Pinterest needs to stop punishing innocent bloggers who are not violating any TOS. The system should not be automatic to ban entire websites based on one person’s report. These reports need to be looked at by human eyes before any choices to block entire blogs are made.
Cross your fingers for me that I’m unblocked soon! Also, don’t be a jerk and do this to someone. Bloggers work so hard to create their content – if you don’t blog you cannot imagine the amount of time that goes into every post. Reporting a blog as spam when they are not is unfairly punishing someone who is working hard and just trying to make a living online.
Don’t be that guy.
Thanks for stopping by! I would love it if you Pin me (assuming that Pinterest has unblocked me by the time you’re reading this…). Maybe this will help:
Update – as of April 4, 2018 – I am out of Pinterest jail! I still never received an email from customer support, but at least I am able to pin again.
Update 2- A full 30 days later, I have finally received a letter from Pinterest resolving the situation. 30 days seems a bit longer than I would consider “professional”, but what do I know?

I have the same problem. Send two emails to pinterest support and no return. I have 4 millions views at month and now my blog access is so low at this moment. So sad this situation.
Pinterest is both a blessing and a curse.
Is this thing specific to “blogspot” blogs? it happened to me, too. I made my complaint and waiting. I’m super angry.
I’m not sure. My blog is hosted by WordPress.